The 2016 series of professionally produced videos is being introduced by CASTELLE highlighting the latest collections from the award winning casual furniture designer and manufacturer. Created for multi-platform use, the series includes one minute product videos highlighting each of the collections that will be in CASTELLE retailers for 2016. All videos within the series have been created to serve as sales aids for the company’s retail partners.
“Once again, our marketing team has created videos designed to provide a visually informative yet concise message about our new products and company,” said Sylvia Henderson, director sales and marketing, CASTELLE. “By utilizing the video format, each story can then be told across multiple platforms including online and mobile applications.”
Filmed within CASTELLE’s Chicago Merchandise Mart showroom, the videos are available for viewing from CASTELLE representatives on compact jump drives as well as postings to the manufacturer’s YouTube channel or online at the CASTELLE New Intro blog. “As we make a considerable investment each year in the introduction of numerous new products, we also want to invest in the sales and marketing efforts of our retailers,” Henderson said. “Through the videos, we are able to assist each in promoting the collections as well as presenting the CASTELLE story in an attractive and consistent manner.”